Sunday, April 15, 2012

Sunday afternoon alone (as usual)

Sunday afternoon alone (as usual)
Originally uploaded by Inkyhack

Sunday afternoon alone (as usual)

1 comment:

Gaia59 said...

Hi Patrick! I've always wondered how you are doing, and since I'm on LinkedIn, I thought I'd see if you are there too.
I read what you wrote on your profile for Flickr. Your photos are pretty cool, I have to say.
Over the years I have become a radical leftist. Robert and I divorced because he became an Amway fanatic. Yikes! I've been remarried for 11 years now. I disliked the dating scene as well. Frankly, it's a pain in the ass, if you ask me.

Do you like your media relations job? I hope you still get to do a fair amount of writing. You were the best reporter I knew at the Bee.

My husband and I moved to Costa Rica as we got fed up with politics as usual in the U.S.

I have been doing a fair amount of writing and starting to make somewhat okay money at it.

I hope you're doing okay. It'd be nice to hear from you.
