Wednesday, March 15, 2006

No photos yet but ....

No photos yet. Still waiting to get a new camera so I can photograph some of my culture clashes.
But while we are all waiting, I got into a long discussion today with a co-worker about another culture clash - the tendency of Americans to get tattoos made up of Japanese and Chinese characters. Talk about a collision.
A co-worker next to me has one on her wrist. I asked her recently what she thinks it says. She said "it says friend in Japanese." Then I challenged her. "How do you know?" She claims she and a bunch of her friends all got the same tattoo and they all match, therefore it must say "friend."
But really, how do you know unless you actually read and speak Japanese or Chinese?
So on that note, I found another Web site today that deals with those same issues with that type of culture clash. I bring you,

1 comment:

Lori Stewart Weidert said...

I always said I'd never do that...but I did just get a koi fish tattoo'd on my shoulder. I liked the legend and felt it reflected the changes going on in my life right now. More importantly,

it was pretty.

If I find out the legend was all BS, I can play the white-trash card and say it's a Walmart gold fish.